Some nice little respite in my otherwise hectic world at the moment. I went to the hairdressers this morning, I like it there, it won salon of the year recently, (get me!!). I can just sit and relax, drink tea and chat about the rugby or Top Gear. No girly stuff here, my hairdresser is a man and I don't know whether it's for my benefit but he likes to be very much a 'bloke', he hasn't offered me anything for the weekend to date though! (Hmm, just a thought but I wonder if he talks to all of his female clients about such things. Maybe it's time to get my lip waxed again.)
Her Ladyship, (my daughter), is watching the winter olympics on the telly, it's the womens half pipe snowboarding, (not half pint as I previously thought, much to everyones amusment). She gets very involved, she's currently shouting at the judges to put their glasses on.
... I was just summoned away to watch the final three doing their stuff, Hannah Teter won. Actually I think half pint is the better description, they're all so small ,bless them, they don't seem to be able to get any clothes that fit.
21 hours ago
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