The other day being somewhat swamped by the task of packing ready for the move, I gratefully accepted my son and daughter in laws' offer of help. So after dropping grandchild #1 off at kindergarten and with grandchild #2 snoozing in the cot they swept in.
(Did I mention that I'm a Grandma, not the grey hair and lyle stockings type, more the brunette and Cuban stockings type. Just because you're a country girl it doesn't mean you have to live in jeans and Barber jacket all the time. Actually I have to say that most of the 'country' girls in this village only wear a Barber to accessorise their 4x4 on the school run, while hubby is away in the city playing on the stock market.)
Sorry I got side tracked again. Within a couple of hours they had cleared the lounge, bookshelves emptied, ornaments clingfilmed to high heaven and the front bedroom stacked from floor to ceiling with boxes. (I have a lot of books and ornaments.. ok.) A job well done.
It's at this stage that I should point out that their offer was not entirely altruistic. You see when we move north they will be moving into this house, and I get the impression that we are not quite going fast enough.
Standing in front of the now empty shelves in the lounge my son announced that he had just had an idea.
"It looks really bear in here now don't you think mum?"
"Mm." I replied, (Now I may be in the Grandma league, but don't write me off yet, I knew what was coming.)
"We could 'lend' you some of our books to put on the shelves, then it would feel more homely." he replied.
So here I am two days later looking up at my newly replenished book shelves. Lovely, I now have a reading list of engineering books, Chris Ryan, Terry Pratchett and J.K. Rowling. I also have a new library of DVD's including a complete set of James Bond movies. Yes he's right it does look more homely. But whose home?
21 hours ago
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