Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Check This Out.

I was just doing the rounds yesterday when I stumbled across this blog. I think Attila and Admiral this will be right up your street. It certainly gave me a giggle.

Also very worthy of a look see, (I am doing my saintly duty here), have a look at this too.

8 at confession:

Kim said...

awww, thanks new friend!

Jay said...

Hurray for Kim! She'll keep you laughing for sure.

St Jude said...

Kim; you're most welcome.

Jay said...

I appreciate your help.

St Jude said...

My saintly duty don't you know.

Attila the Mom said...

ROFLMAO! You were quite right! Very enjoyable blogs!

Anonymous said...


Sorry for screaming, but what is all this about "balls" and "testicles"?

You may be hearing very soon from the Saintly Board of Saints (SBS) about a revocation . . .

St Jude said...

Ah dear Admiral, I have an excuse, it's my meds. What more can I say. But I bet you had a giggle anyway, didn't you?

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